Riverside County AYLUS Hosts a Pet Food Drive and Volunteers at Save The Animals Today on February 6th, 2022

Riverside County AYLUS members decided to start working with an animal sanctuary on February 6th, 2022. The group decided on a sanctuary that specializes in horses. This animal shelter is known to take in old horses that are too old to ride. STAT or Save The Animals Today is a non profit organization started by Pattie Roberts. It has evolved over the years and has taken in other animals as well such as donkeys, goats, dogs, turkeys, chickens, pigs and a lot of other animals. During the pandemic STAT got hit very hard as hardly anyone was showing up to donate or volunteer. RSA donated resources, time as well as pet food donations. A flyer was created and posted on social media. Donations were then collected over the course of 2 weeks. The group hopes to return soon and make working at STAT a more or less regular event as the group feels that STAT is a place that is worthy of being supported.


Volunteers: Sophie Chung (4 hrs incl. flyer creation), Nicholas Navarro, Jacob Navarro, Chandler Berry (3 hrs each), Blake Chrisman (1 hr)




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