AYLUS Syosset participated in the Inaugural distinguished lecture of AAASE (Asian American Academy of Science and Engineering)(2/25/22)

On Friday, 2/25/2022, multiple members of AYLUS Syosset participated in the Inaugural Distinguished Lecture “The Contributions of Asian Americans in US Science and Engineering” of the Asian American Academy of Science and Engineering. Congresswoman Dr. Judy M. Chu of the CA 27th District gave the opening remarks, while Nobel Laureate, Professor Steven Chu of Stanford University, former US Secretary of Energy gave an one-hour speak talking about his personal experience of education and contribution to the society as an Asian American, followed by 45 minutes of Q&A.

Member Margaret Zhang wrote:  I watched and listened to the lecture on Youtube live because the meeting had reached max capacity. While I wasn’t in the meet, I learned some interesting things such as the fact that I knew that there was some Asian discrimination vaguely and there was the Japanese internment camps during WWII but I never really thought about it much. I learned of the discrimination that some Chinese have faced before as well as learned more about international science and technology relations then I’ve learned in my life besides the space competition between Russia and the US. I learned about the precautions that funding agencies and the government is taking, trying to prevent the loss of intellectual property such as restrictions on collaboration whether it’s funding from another country or a partner. Another significant fact that I didn’t know before the lecture was how many important people in US history were first generation or second generation immigrants. A brief summary of what was talked about in the lecture would be about the development in science and technology, the input immigrants had in it, rising international competition and intellectual property theft.

Member Alan Huang wrote: I was greatly inspired by Prof. Chu’s family story and his insight about our current situations as Asian American. I recently put together a program oral interpretation (POI) for a forensic speech competition. The struggle of Asian American seemed never as dramatic and visible as other races. Seeing people like both Professor Chu and Congresswoman Chu thrive after years of perseverance and dedication to the well being of the society, I am inspired.

The following members attended this event: Margaret Zhang (2 hours) and Alan Huang (2 hours).


Updated: March 31, 2022 — 9:39 pm

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