AYLUS-Columbus Volunteers at the Craft Tables during the Dublin Jerome Lunar New Year Celebration on 2/11/2022

AYLUS-Columbus was in charge of the craft tables at the Lunar New Year event at the Dublin Jerome High School. They prepared traditional Chinese bookmarks, Chinese bracelets of different knot styles, and other materials for the craft tables, including the calligraphy bookmark table, bracelet table, and paper-cutting table. They worked closely with the Asian Youth Union and the Chinese Club at Jerome and helped set up the tables before the start of the event. Throughout the celebration that ran from 10 am to the end of school at 3 pm, the volunteers were busy demonstrating and teaching visitors how to make the crafts step by step. They also gave out red envelopes to students and teachers to wish them a happy Lunar New Year. The students and teachers enjoyed learning Chinese culture through these hands-on craft projects.

Volunteers of the craft tables include Caroline Xi, Sitan Gao, Catherine Harman, and Brenna Li

Reported by Brenna Li


Updated: February 22, 2022 — 1:31 am

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