AYLUS Bellaire Branch volunteered at the Hermann Park Conservancy on January 15, 2022

The AYLUS Bellaire Branch volunteered at the Hermann Park Conservancy in Houston, Texas
on Saturday, January 15, 2022, from 9 am to 12 pm.

The volunteers were tasked with working in the forest of Hermann Park. The overall goal was to
protect native plants such as hackberry and dogwood from invasive species like prive, also
known as waxleaf or lugustrom. To do this, the volunteers cut the invasive plants with rubbery
dark green leaves so that the stem was left about a foot tall so that the plant was short enough
for chemicals to be dabbed onto the tip to stop the invasive species from growing and tall
enough to not sprout into ten plants. Then, the volunteers piled and cleaned up the cut parts of
the invasive plants.

There were fifteen volunteers that participated in the volunteer opportunity (3 hours): Joshua
Cheng (project leader), Miranda Wang, Helena Wang, Eric Li, Sophia Li, Serena Li, Emerald
Tang, Alexander Tang, Joseph Zhou, Aria Jin, Siyi Liu, Owen Cheng, and Andrew Liu.


Reported By: Joshua Cheng

Updated: January 18, 2022 — 4:08 pm

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