AYLUS San Fernando Valley Branch Helps Pack and Sort Food at Valley Food Bank on November 24, 2021

On November 24th, 2021, the AYLUS branch of San Fernando Valley volunteered for two hours, from noon to 2:00 PM, handling, packing, and sorting canned food in order to help the community. Members of the branch Benjamin Kozikaro-Sanchez, Jason Xie, Marc Hua, and Aaron Hekmatjah maintained safety while helping the food bank in a coordinated effort to prepare enough food that people could take back home to their family and neighborhood. Our team planned and organized this event through several meetings over social media to perfect our opportunity – and scheduled a perfect date and time with the food bank through many exchanged emails and calls.



Jason Xie: (2 hours)

Marc Hua: (2 hours)

Benjamin Kozikaro-Sanchez: (1.5 hours)

Aaron Hekmatjah: (1.5 hours)

Updated: November 25, 2021 — 12:13 am

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