Riverside County AYLUS Stays Committed to the Community Through Another Park Clean-Up Event on October 21st, 2021 (8th)

On October 21st, 2021, RCA members met at the local Harveston park for another clean-up session. Litter from pathways near and around the park, the lake and the neighborhood were cleaned of trash such as paper, snack wrappers, plastic bottles, cups, and other debris as well. Keeping the park and neighborhood clean will reflect on the students commitment within the community to give back while keeping the area and environment clean from trash and any litter. With the regular clean-up sessions RCA members want to set an example within the community for others to follow suit.

The trash was then properly disposed of.

Riverside County AYLUS will continue to help the environment through park clean-ups so that the local wildlife can be safe and the community can continue to enjoy its beauty.

Volunteers:  Nicholas Navarro (1 hr), Chandler Berry (1 hr), Kyan Chang, (1 hr),  Sophie Chung (1 hr), Evan Chang (1 hr)

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