AYLUS Syosset Cohosts with AYLUS Manhasset A Firefighters Appreciation Event 10/3/21

On 10/3/21, AYLUS Syosset and AYLUS Manhasset cohosted a firefighters appreciation event at the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Station. This event was organized to thank the firefighters on being first responders that risk their lives for the safety of our community.

In this event, both AYLUS branches donated snacks such as cookies and candy, numerous packages of bottled water, letters of appreciation, and raised a total of $200 for the fire station. By personally meeting our community heroes, we learned the values of courage and bravery shown by their actions and the immense dedication and training needed in order to save lives. This event helped us develop a deeper appreciation for all these people do.

The following volunteers participated: Margaret Zhang (2 hours), Ryan Leung (2 hours), Tommy Haotian Tang (2 hours), Alan Huang (1.5 hours), Jasmine Chen (1.5 hours), Victoria Chang (1.5 hours), Chance Lee (1.5 hours), Skyar Lee (1.5 hours), Stephen Chang (1.5 hours), Elvis Li (1.5 hours), Emily Lin (1.5 hours), Kayleen Tao (1.5 hours), Leo Cheng (1 hour), Si Yue Jiang (0.5 hour), Ru Xue Jiang (0.5 hour).

Updated: October 5, 2021 — 2:11 am

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