Bergen Branch Honors Firefighter Heroes in Englewood for the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 and COVID-19

A couple of weeks ago, it was 9/11. The terrorist attacks killed 2,977 people and injured thousands at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Americans host commemorative events at all three sites on the anniversary of the attacks.

Firefighters and their families sacrifice a lot to save lives, who deserve our honor and respect, especially at this memorial moment. Not to mention, firefighters, among other first responders, were still working even during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, risking their lives to help others.

This September, the Bergen Branch decided to participate in an event called “Meals from the Heart”, led by Greater Princeton Branch, in which AYLUS members honor our firefighter heroes in our community in our unique way.

Members delivered food (snacks, homemade goods, drinks) as a way to give thanks to the Englewood Fire Department. We were happy that we could find a way to express our gratitude.

Members: Dawson Lin (3 hours), Julien Ishigahara Charupakorn (3 hours), Sabrina Lu (3 hours), Maggie Yan (3 hours)

Members stand with the firefighters in front of a fire truck

Sabrina and her mom with homemade hot dog breads for the donation

A letter of thanks

Updated: September 27, 2021 — 3:10 am

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