Riverside County AYLUS Hosts its First Recycling Event during the Month of September (09/11/21 and 09/17/21) (1st)

During the month of September, several RCA members met at the local recycling center (SA Recycling center in Murrieta) to recycle cans and plastic bottles that were collected over the weeks. As required by the recycling center, the bottles were all separated from the lids, and cans and bottles were sorted. Some bags were also donated from within the community. The money collected was then used at a local grocery store to buy food for the local food bank (Western Eagle Foundation). RCA members contributed to this food drive with their own donations as well.

Volunteers: Nicholas Navarrao (1 hr), Jacob Navarro (1 hr), Recycling date: September 11th

Sophie Chung (3 hrs) Recycling dates: September 11th and September 17th, separating bottles from their lids and collecting donations from within the community


Updated: September 26, 2021 — 3:23 pm

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