Sugar Land Branch Begins Fall Stay Fit At Home Exercise Sessions (#96)

September 8th, the Sugar land Branch continued the stay fit at home exercise sessions. The instructor began with a short stretch and then a set of jumping jacks that lasted 45 seconds. The first set focused completely on the upper body, challenging areas like the shoulder, arms, upper back, and chest with arm circles of varying sizes and intensity. The second set was a mix of cardio and legs, ranging from burpees, squats, and side knees to elbows, repeated twice. The last set was more intense training on the ab area with exercises like Russian twists, bicycles, crunches, and leg raises, repeated 2-3 times. Instructors led a cool down. Participating AYLUS members were Amy and Jialu Liu. The session lasted 30 minutes.

Reported by Amy Liu

Updated: October 7, 2021 — 2:04 am

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