AYLUS Syosset & Manhasset Branches Jointly Taught a Chinese Classic Literature Appreciation Program(8/16/2021,#41)

On 8/16/2021, Tommy Haotian Tang, Jessica Albrecht, and Zhensheng Liu, of ALYUS Syosset and three members of ALYUS Manhasset held the forty-first collaborative Chinese Literature Appreciation class, tutoring 5th-grade Chinese-school students to appreciate a Chinese Classic– ”Journey to the West”–through reading, analysis, and discussion.
 The class was held in four breakout rooms, with two tutors working independently in each room to teach two to three students, The Ponddy Reader application was utilized as the educational tool through which tutors taught students. Each class and breakout room are targeted towards students’ skill levels and will go at a slower or faster pace to accommodate students’ needs. intensive learning, with non-stop reading, paraphrasing, discussion, and pronunciation correction, happened in all breakout rooms. The students enjoyed the challenges and the steep learning curve.  Tutors also prepared short vocabulary word presentations and quick videos.  The lesson breakout rooms lasted one hour and were followed by a short discussion.
Journey to the West is a must-read classic literature for all ages. Teaching this classic novel helped our American Born Chinese (ABC) students embrace our cultural heritage and helped our tutors cultivate love and patience and appreciate our own education from all teachers.
The following students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: Tommy Haotian Tang (1 hour), Zhensheng Liu(1 hour), and Jessica Albrecht (1hour) from the Syosset branch and Mathew Yang (1 hour), Joanna Yang (1 hour), and Loretta Liu(1hour) from the Manhasset branch.
Updated: August 17, 2021 — 3:12 pm

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