Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Visits one of their Local Senior Centers in July 2021

On July 21st, 2021, Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS team Ally Negulescu(2.5 hrs), Adora Xiao(2 hrs), Zaiba Choudhury(1.5 hrs), and Shania Jin(1.5 hrs) visited and toured a local Senior Center!

As members pulled up into the parking lot, the entire atmosphere and vibe of the area made everyone feels very welcomed. After getting lost a few times, members finally started making their way over to the front desk to check in. Everyone had their vaccination cards, got their temperatures checked and signed in properly.

Ms. Jael Sambrano, the Engage Life Director, greeted everyone very warmly and initiated a thoughtful and quite fun conversation with everyone, explaining what we are going to do. Since this is our first visit to a Senior Center facility, we were unfamiliar with the onsite rules, however, we were ready to learn and to look for ways to help and volunteer.

There are 3 buildings to the facility, separated by the resident’s needs. We started off at the main building and continue to visit the other area of the center. During the tour, GTVA  members discussed about scheduled events, gave the two pianos a good test run and started planning dates and potential volunteer programs for future visits. It’s never too early to prepare!

As the tour started to come to and end, members were fortunate enough to be able to say hi to the residents there and learns some things about their daily schedule. We promised to return in about 2 weeks to give a recital to everyone! GTVA team thinks now’s a good time to start practicing hard…

GTVA members are super excited about this relationship with the Senior Center and we look forward to sharing our love for music with the residents on a regular basis!

Updated: July 22, 2021 — 3:51 pm

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