Irvine Branch Presents 2021 Summer Concert to Friends of the Community, Seniors, Hospitalized Children

On July 4, 2021, the Irvine Branch of AYLUS created, compiled, and produced our annual summer concert. Our creation is just in time for the Independence Day holiday, and it was made with the sole purpose of entertaining and serving as a valuable asset amidst the havoc of COVID-19.

Members spent weeks preparing, recording, and compiling the summer concert. Each participant played their own instrument and we all chose unique songs to showcase. We then sent the final video to senior centers and other particularly vulnerable populations in our community to make their day and boost their morale.

We are very proud of our creations and hope they benefit everybody to the maximum. From violin to flute to singing to piano, our show was a great success and you can watch it below!

Volunteers: Brian Song (6 hrs), Olivia Song (3 hrs), Asher Ding (3 hrs), Annie Lee (1.5 hrs), Amanda Li (1.5 hrs)

Updated: July 6, 2021 — 1:42 am

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