Riverside County AYLUS Continues its Mental Health Series on July 1st, 2021 (19)

On July 1st, RCA continued its mental health series. Many people struggled during this pandemic with anxiety, depression, and even thoughts of suicide. Mental health, however, isn’t a new issue. It existed before the pandemic hit, and worsened during the Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown. The fact that a young member from our community decided to take her own life in recent weeks shows how important it is to bring awareness to these daily struggles that many of us are facing.

RCA members helped by continuing the mental health series with painted rocks. Smiles and cheerful messages were drawn and written to lighten people’s moods and to bring more joy and cheerfulness to the community and to our neighborhoods. A post on the local FB page explained the reason behind this project. The post brought a lot of likes and people within the community expressed their support. Kids were seen looking for rocks and hiding them again, couples who found the rocks took pictures and posted them on social media, and even one elderly woman expressed to the group how much she was inspired by the post and that she had decided to paint her own rocks.
This shows how meaningful this series is to the community and what a positive impact it has on people regardless of age. 

Volunteers: Chandler Berry 2 hrs, Sophie Chung 2 hrs, Matthew Nguyen 2 hrs, Alexander Nguyen 2 hrs, Jacob Navarro 2 hrs, Nicholas Navarro 2 hrs, Paola Humbert 2 hrs, Kayla Paulsen 1.5 hrs, Alyssa Paulsen 1.5 hrs





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