Riverside County AYLUS Donates to Help Cancer Patients in Need on June 28th, 2021 (18)

Cancer has impacted the lives of millions of people not only within the US but worldwide. Regardless of age and gender, it has targeted many of us, our families, loved ones, and strangers and it is still one of the leading causes of death within America. Cancer patients and their families often face the financial hardship that this terrible disease is causing. Rising medical costs and the loss of jobs due to sickness or having to care for a patient are just some of the reasons that people who are affected by this terrible disease are facing. 

As the opportunity arose to contribute to this cause and show care for cancer patients, RCA members sorted through their closets and rooms and organized various items that the team decided to donate. The money raised will contribute and help alleviate some of the financial burdens these families are facing.

RCA will continue to help and contribute to this cause.

Volunteers: Sophie Chung (1 hr), Nicholas Navarro (1 hr), Jacob Navarro (1 hr)


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