Irvine Branch Participates in Discussion With Manhasset/Syosset Branch Regarding Volunteer Webapp

On June 19, 2021, Brian Song from the Irvine branch of AYLUS participated in an hourlong discussion with leaders from AYLUS Manhasset to talk about the “Volunteers” webapp. In addition, he helped create a port of our AYLUS Irvine Volunteers app for the Syosset branch.

Throughout the hour, Brian gave a tutorial and taught the attending members how the general infrastructure of the webapp worked and which functions would be necessary in each segment of the app. An important part we went over include handling authentication, best practices, and implementing the right API routes to improve efficiency. We ended the meeting on a high note, with the Manhasset branch planning to use similar languages to create a helpful app of their own.

Additionally, Brian helped the Syosset Branch create a version of our webapp for their branch to use. This is part of our mission to extend convenience and speed to as many branches as possible, optimizing operations for volunteering. We hope to continue in this grand effort!

Volunteers: Brian Song (1 hr discussion + 6 hrs new webapp)

Updated: June 28, 2021 — 4:28 am

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