Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Presents Music Summer Camp (4th) in June 2021

Are you bored out of your mind yet?  Well, the Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS (GTVA) got your back covered. The GTVA had come up with a week long Music Summer Camp with its music enthusiastic team members. The Camp wrapped up the final day of exploring composers with none other than the “Poet of the Piano” himself, Frédéric Chopin!

On June 17th, 2021, GTVA music enthusiasts Ally Negulescu (2 hrs), Adora Xiao (1 hr), kicked off the day by discussing and exploring the life of Chopin while learning about some really interesting facts about him. The Team then turned to a quick Kahoot review to go over the material discussed. Next, they started to listen to and analyze some of Chopin’s works while answering any questions people had about his works. The discussion got so deep that they had to ask the special guest of the day, Claire Lewis to answer any further questions people had!

Afterwards, Claire was invited to talk about her past achievements as well as talk to the audience about life in a music conservatory. She gave everyone some incredible advice about pursuing music professionally as well as debunking myths about music conservatory. She greatly inspired and encouraged the audience to follow their dreams and to continue to pursue music, even if there are obstacles.

Tomorrow will be the final day of our Camp, which will be wrapped up with an exciting recital from our team and our special guests of the week! Make sure to tune in tomorrow!

The above Chopin pictures that are included in some of the photos are credited to Wikipedia images as well as Rousseau from Youtube.

Updated: June 21, 2021 — 5:33 am

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