Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Presents Music Summer Camp (3rd) in June 2021

Are you bored out of your mind yet?  Well, the Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS (GTVA) got your back covered. The GTVA had come up with a week long Music Summer Camp with its music enthusiastic team members. The Camp’s third day was a day to explore the incredible life and compositions of Johann Sebastian Bach, and will continue tomorrow with our final composer!

On June 16th, 2021, GTVA music enthusiasts Ally Negulescu (2 hrs), Adora Xiao (1 hr), Julie Lu (1 hr), Jessica Lu (1 hr), and Tonya Liu (1 hr) conducted their 3rd day of the Camp to talk about Bach’s life. They first went over some facts about his musical family, compositions, musical style, and his death. Later, they went on to do a rather tumultuous Kahoot to review the material covered in the beginning of the day. Everyone seemed to be paying a lot of attention! Next up, everyone took some time to listen to some of Bach’s pieces and think about his structure. They also compared playing Bach’s pieces on a piano versus how it traditionally was played; on the harpsichord. Many people noticed the difference between piano and harpsichord, especially the style and the way the music is portrayed.

For the final part of the Camp, we had our special guest, Saeji Hong talk to everyone about effectively managing practice time during busy days and finding ways to balance your schedule. He also gave the audience a very deep insight about playing in an orchestra versus being the soloist in a concerto, which sparked a lot of curiosity about how the orchestra works.

Tomorrow will be the final day of exploring composers before our incredible recital, so be sure to stay tuned in for the next few days!

The above Bach pictures that are included in some of the photos are credited to Wikipedia images as well as from Youtube.

Updated: June 19, 2021 — 8:04 pm

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