Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Presents Music Summer Camp (1st) in June 2021

Are you bored out of your mind yet?  Well, the Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS (GTVA) got your back covered. The GTVA had come up with a week long Music Summer Camp with its music enthusiastic team members. The Camp opened with the great German composer and pianist- Ludwig Van Beethoven and will continue each day with a different composer.
On June 14th, 2021, GTVA music enthusiasts Ally Negulescu (2.5 hrs) dressed up as Beethoven, Adora Xiao (1 hr), Julie Lu (2 hrs), Jessica Lu (2 hrs), and Tonya Liu (2 hrs), and Zaiba Choudhury (1 hr) invited total of 20 participants discussing Beethoven’s life, some fun facts of his love stories followed by playing Kahoot to review the material. Later, the campers listened to some of Beethoven’s most popular pieces and debunked some myths about the overplayed repertoire. Finally, our special guest speaker Sunny Xiao, who’s a freshman entering UCLA, shared and talked about her musical achievements and answered some questions from the music camp attendees.
Continuing tomorrow, the GTVA would like to invite you to come back and  join us to meet Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period. We can’t wait for another
fun day of sharing music and playing games with friends.
The above Beethoven pictures that are included in some of the photos are credited to Wikipedia images, Rousseau from Youtube, and Evgeny Kissin’s Beethoven Sonata No. 17.
Updated: June 17, 2021 — 6:11 pm

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