Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Presents Music Summer Camp (2nd) in June 2021

Are you bored out of your mind yet?  Well, the Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS (GTVA) got your back covered. The GTVA had come up with a week long Music Summer Camp with its music enthusiastic team members. The Camp continued with the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period, and will continue each day with a different composer.

On June 15th, 2021, GTVA music enthusiasts Ally Negulescu (2.5 hrs) dressed up as Mozart, Adora Xiao (2 hr), Julie Lu (2 hrs), Jessica Lu (2 hrs), and Tonya Liu (1 hrs), and Zaiba Choudhury (2 hr), carried on talking through Mozart’s prodigious earlier childhood and a productive restless and travelled life that influenced the structure of his works.  The GTVA musicians discussed couple of Mozart’s compositions from more than 600 works of virtually every genre of music of his period. Later the team and the audience moved to some fun facts of his life and jumped into playing a competitive Kahoot game reviewing the discussed material, followed by debunked myths about overplayed pieces and composing style. Finally, the guest speaker- Olina Kilbury, an established musician who plays multiple instruments and pursuing music as a career, talked about what music means to her. She encouraged the audience to enjoy music at a different levels with different instruments and have fun.

Tomorrow is a new day with a new composer and Mr. Johann Sebastian Bach will delight us with his Baroque style repertoire. Fun and more fun to come for our music loving audience.

The above Mozart pictures that are included in some of the photos are credited to Wikipedia images as well as Rousseau from Youtube.

Updated: June 17, 2021 — 6:13 pm

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