Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Shares the Pandemic Experience (1st) w/our Friends in June 2021

Starting last year, the US response to COVID-19 included concert cancellations, school closures, and postponement/suspension of all indoor activities that continued into the first half of 2021. As hard as it was, we managed to make the best of it and learned how to cope with the new social environment.

We know it’s hard to isolate yourself, cut some ties with friends and find new ways to entertain, however, it has to be done in order to control the spread of the pandemic. We believe that we learned a lot from the year plus and we are ready to share it with our friends overseas.

On June 5, 2021, our GTVA team, Ally Negulescu (2hrs), Julie Lu (1 hr) and Jessica Lu (1hr) created a collage of pictures of our activities through out the year including school virtual learning, extensive home cooking, small group gatherings, and indoor/outdoor activities. We interacted with our participants, answering questions, giving suggestions and ideas to stay active during this challenging time. Staying healthy, both mentally and physically will get us to the end of this nightmare.

GTVA will be more than happy to continue sharing our experience to help our friends to go through this chaotic situation no matter what. To all of you, by sharing and participating, being strong and united will get us sooner to a happy ending.



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