Riverside County AYLUS Conducts Its First Orientation (May 16, 2021) (2)

On May 16th, 2021, the leaders of AYLUS Riverside County held their first orientation for new members.

RCA (Riverside County) leaders Ally Negulescu (1 hr), Sophie Chung (1.5 hrs), and Adora Xiao (2.5 hrs), created a presentation to educate new members about their branch. This included some introductions, goals, mottos, rules, ideas, and some lighthearted humor. RCA leaders first introduced themselves to the group, and then started talking about the background of AYLUS. Next, they talked about various ideas and awards that will be present throughout service in the club. The new potential members also contributed greatly to the discussion! Then, they hosted a brief Q&A covering any further questions about AYLUS. Finally, we all took a group picture and ended the meeting!







We welcome all new members to AYLUS Riverside County!🤗


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