AYLUS Syosset Celebrates Earth Day With Park Cleanup Event (4/20/21)

On 4/20/21, in observance of Earth Day, AYLUS Syosset members John Thach and Sebastian Olmsted conducted a trash cleanup event at 4 Mile Run creek in Northern Virginia.

The two brought with them multiple plastic bags and various tools for identifying and picking up trash. They went to a local stream, 4 Mile Run in Northern Virginia, which eventually opens at the mouth of the Potomac River, a major waterway located by the Nation’s capital. At the stream, they scoured the premises for any trash with potential to harm the environment. Common items which were caught included plastic bags, water bottles, and candy wrappers.

In the end, the trash was disposed of properly and in a responsible manner.

Trash pollution is a pervasive issue in much of the world today, and may bring disproportionate harm to the environment if left unchecked, leading to the deaths of various flora and fauna. This event was an attempt to help the local community with excess trash buildup. Keeping the local parks clean will translate to conditions which are much more conducive to biodiversity and beauty. In addition, the choice of a tributary stream of a large and important river for a cleanup was important, as wastes here will ultimately end up in the wider oceans. This would post a huge problem for wildlife communities in the waters, as aquatic animals are susceptible to large amounts of plastics present in the environment.

Participants included Sebastian Olmsted (2 hours) and John Thach (2 hours)

Updated: April 27, 2021 — 3:48 am

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