On 3/21/2021, seven members of the Syosset AYLUS (Leo Cheng, John Thach, Ryan Leung, Alan Huang, Emily Lin, Jasmine Chen, and Greene Xue) taught a ninety-minute English class to multiple newly immigrated high school students with varying degrees of proficiency in English.
In class, there were 3 classes with 3 levels; Intro (Ryan and Greene), Intermediate (Alan, Leo and Emily), and Advanced (John and Jasmine). At the end of class, students of all levels were given an assignment of creating a sign which would spread awareness of Asian discrimination within the US.
The intermediate class tutors Leo Cheng, Alan Huang, and Emily Lin finished “Unit 7: What do you use this for?” and started “Unit 8: Time to celebrate!” They reviewed the gerund grammar topic for a student that wasn’t present for the previous class and introduced infinitives and gerunds for uses and purposes to the rest of the class.
Student tutors Jasmine Chen and John Thach taught the advanced class of AYLUS Syosset’s 31st online ESL Tutoring class. In this class, the tutors continued working out of the new Interchange ESL textbook. Students completed chapter 7 of the textbook, which focused on the environmental crisis. Then, students did a combination of vocabulary, storytelling and speaking exercises.
In the intro level class taught by Ryan Leung and Greene Xue, students were taught a lesson about how to describe people. The lesson was about being punctual. It brought up examples of situations where you can arrive a little late(like an Informal party) or where you have to arrive earlier(for a job). A video about a sibling waiting for their other sibling at a restaurant was played and comprehension questions were answered. Dialogues were spoken out loud between students and more comprehension questions were answered. The grammar focus of the lesson was the present perfect(Example: I have written a letter).
The following 7 students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: John Thach(1.5 hours), Leo Cheng (1.5 hours), Alan Huang(1.5 hours), Ryan Leung (1.5 hours) Jasmine Chen(1.5 hours), Emily Lin(1.5 hours), and Greenie Xue(1.5 hours).