Phoenix AYLUS Transcribes Historical Documents March 2021

The Phoenix Branch transcribes more historical documents for the public to read in March. Volunteers continue to help serve the community through this virtual volunteer program started in July 2020. This month,79 documents were transcribed.

Annie Fitzgerald transcribed 57 documents:  Wor: Worcester, Ellen THRU Wresthing, Martha pg. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, and 30, Boo: Booker, Betana THRU Boots, Margaret pg. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21, Ano: Anright, Bridget THRU Aoysia pg. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19, And, A: Anderson, Amanda THRU Andrews, Francis pg. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Sal: Salana, Mary Ann THRU Salson, Mary pg.25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30, Chickamauga Dam: Graham – Wilson pg. 27, Declassification Notice, and Missing Air Crew Report number 8720 pg 1-3. 

” In these documents, I learned about the way they kept records of employees in hospitals during the mid 1800s. The hospital forms included information like when they started working to when they stopped, if they got paid or not, and how they were employed. These 10 documents took an hour to transcribe. ”

“From these documents, I learned more about the way hospital records were kept during the mid 1800s. The records kept specific details such as the date when the workers worked, how they were employed, and if they were paid or not. These 13 transcriptions took an hour. ”

“From these documents, I learned more about the way hospital records were kept during the 1800s. These records went into specific detail and I learned that hospitals are very detailed about their procedures. These transcriptions took 1 hour. ”

“These documents showed how detailed hospital records were even back in the 1800s. Doctors, nurses, and volunteers worked hard during the small pox epidemic. These 10 transcriptions took an hour. ”

“From these documents, I learned the way they kept records on a farm. The farm documented the percentage of land that was livestock, pasture, etc. and the number of animals on the farm. These 7 transcriptions took an hour.”

“From these documents, I learned about the way aircraft soldiers were reported as missing. They recorded the witnesses of the people who last saw the soldiers or aircraft crash, and included their testimonies of the incident. These transcriptions took 1 hour.”


Angelina Zhang transcribed 21 documents: Air Force Award Cards [Air Medal]: Edwardsen, Edward – Elkerton, George pg. 99-112, and Air Force Award Cards [Air Medal]: Edwardsen, Edward – Elkerton, George pg. 113-120.

“These 13 documents took me around 2 hours. I learned about the awards given to Warren Egbert, Walter Egbert, John B Egbert, Harold D Egbert , and Harold B Egbert for serving in the air corps. Awards including oak leaf clusters were given in New York, Ohio, Illinois, and Texas from 1943-1951.”

“These 8 documents took me around an hour. I learned about the awards given to Howard B. Egeland for serving as the 2nd Lieutenant. Other awards included oak leaf clusters given to Ray Ege, Charles Ege, and Clarence Egom by the Hq. XII Bombardment Division and 10th Air Force. ”


Yongfeng Chen transcribed 1 document: On Being A Women (pdf 13 pages)

“I learned that women had some rights but not a lot. ”


Volunteers: Annie Fitzgerald, Angelina Zhang, and Yongfeng Chen




Updated: March 22, 2021 — 6:02 pm

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