AYLUS Syosset NY Branch offered an English tutoring session (2/28/2021, #28)

On 2/28/2021, seven members of the Syosset AYLUS (Leo Cheng, John Thach, Ryan Leung, Alan Huang, Emily Lin, Jasmine Chen, and Greenie Xue) taught a ninety-minute English class to multiple newly immigrated high school students with varying degrees of proficiency in English. 

In class, there were 3 classes with 3 levels; Intro (Ryan and Greene), Intermediate (Alan, Leo and Emily), and Advanced (John and Jasmine). 

Reading tutors Emily Lin, Leo Cheng, and Alan Huang started Unit 6: Sure! I’ll do it. They spent extra time on the grammar portions: two-part verbs. To help the students understand the topic further, they created a Blooket for the students. They also reviewed previous slides for the new student. 

Student tutors Jasmine Chen and John Thach taught the advanced English proficiency course for AYLUS Syosset’s 28th online ESL tutoring class. This class, the fifth chapter of Cambridge’s 3A, Fifth edition Interchange textbook was taught, where students learned about cultural differences, tourism, and moving abroad. Students were encouraged to bring up their own unique experiences with travel and culture shock. Directly following the textbook lesson, “Storytime” was conducted, where students form stories, explanations and develop a strong, creative plot to explain photos that were provided without context. Lastly came the vocabulary portion of the class. This vocabulary list included more obscure and overall more challenging words in the English language. Some words which were covered include “Discombobulate,” and “Tergiversate.”

In the intro level class taught by Ryan Leung and Greene Xue, students were taught a lesson on traveling and world geography. Students started off by brainstorming where they would like to travel to in the world, allowing them to draw on prior knowledge of tourist locations. This was then followed up by a video about focused on tourist locations in London, complete with video-based questions. Students read several passages that included hypothetical role plays, and informational articles on the TianZi mountains, the Sahara Desert, and the Giant Salt Lake. Students also learned how to form the simple past tense for regular and irregular verbs, as well as the many exceptions such as “to be”.


The following 7 students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: John Thach(1.5 hours), Leo Cheng (1.5 hours), Alan Huang(1.5 hours), Ryan Leung (1.5 hours) Jasmine Chen(1.5 hours), Emily Lin(1.5 hours), and Greenie Xue(1.5 hours). 





Updated: March 1, 2021 — 3:04 am

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