Irvine Branch Completes Hunger Readings/Quizzes to Foster Greater Awareness of Hunger Crises Around the World on February 28, 2021

On February 28, 2021, volunteers from the AYLUS Irvine branch completed all Hunger Awareness passages and quizzes from the website

Everyday, many people work extremely hard to subsist and feed their families. Each quiz addressed a different sector of the hunger crises ravaging poorer and developing nations worldwide, and we want to be confident our volunteers get all the facts and are compelled to help as much as possible. Especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity to realize one’s own fiscal situation as lucky and well-off compared to that of displaced, jobless, homeless, and hungry citizens is absolutely vital. Additionally, the hunger quiz website donates money per quiz taken to aid hunger relief.

The list of volunteers completing the event thus far is increasing and we will continually update this post to accommodate.


Volunteers: Asher Ding (1.5 hrs), Annabel Tiong (1.5 hrs)

Updated: February 28, 2021 — 10:18 pm

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