Irvine Branch Partners With The NYC Branch to Host 13th English/Writing Tutoring Sessions on February 14, 2021

On February 14, 2021, volunteers from the AYLUS Irvine Branch teamed up with AYLUS New York City to initiate another tutoring session with students from all over the United States. They primarily focused on English and Writing homework help. Annie and Clayland Lee from the Irvine branch meticulously helped the kids every step of the way.

Annie: Starting unit 5, today’s class focused on writing and editing paragraphs instead of sentences. We also continued reading the book, finishing up chapter three and asking comprehension questions along the way.

Clayland: We learned in the last class about descriptive essays and the basics behind it. We did some practice on understanding the different parts of the essay and where how each part of the essay should be written.

Volunteers: Annie Lee (1 hr), Clayland Lee (1 hr)

Updated: February 25, 2021 — 2:59 am

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