Phoenix AYLUS Made Handcrafts and Papercut to Celebrate Chinese New Year

Chinese Spring Festival is one of the most important and popular holidays for the Chinese across the world. There are lots of different way to celebrate this holiday, such as red papercut and handcraft, which are one of the more popular folk arts. They are pretty and exquisite with unique oriental style. They could make people feel a festive atmosphere by adding delights and festivity in the crafts.

Phoenix AYLUS encourages members to make handcraft like lanterns, paper cut and 福 to bring Chinese New Year sprit to the local Chinese senior centers.

Ethan Wei: 8 福, 10 papercut lanterns, 8 lantern, 5 hours

Ryan Dong: papercut 春: 25; papercuts decorators (6 hours)

Wenting Chen: 3 hours

Yongfeng Chen: 3 hours

Ziqing Kuang: 6 hours

Updated: February 14, 2021 — 1:03 am

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