Sugar Land Branch Prepares Park Garden For Arctic Temperatures

February brought historically low temperatures for the whole state of Texas. A debilitating winter storm caused record-low temperatures, complete with snow and ice, for weeks. Because the onset was so sudden–and because plants native to Texas are better adapted to withstand extreme heat than extreme cold–much of the Sugar Land vegetation was at risk of freezing and dying. The Sugar Land Branch responded to this on February 12, when members gathered at the Memorial Park Butterfly Garden to place a protective tarp over the garden’s plants.

In collaboration with the Sugar Land Parks and Recreation Department, members endured near-freezing temperatures and winds of 25+ miles per hour, eventually fixing the large tarp over the garden using garden staples and cords. This effort insulated the plants from low temperatures and prevented them from freezing outright due to the icy precipitation.

The participating members were Justin Chang, Tong Wang, and Albon Wu.



Updated: February 23, 2021 — 11:09 pm

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