Irvine Branch Partners With The NYC Branch to Host 11th English/Writing Tutoring Sessions on February 1, 2021

On February 1, 2021, volunteers from the AYLUS Irvine Branch teamed up with AYLUS New York City to initiate another tutoring session with students from all over the United States. They primarily focused on English and Writing homework help. Clayland and Annie Lee from the Irvine branch meticulously helped the kids every step of the way.

Clayland: Today the boys were just finishing their essays and I told them to finish whatever they needed to do by the next class so that we can peer review each of the essays.

Annie: We resumed creating sentences and compiled some into stories. The students also learned about comparison sentences and similes.

Volunteers: Clayland Lee (1 hr), Annie Lee (1 hr)

Updated: February 4, 2021 — 4:18 pm

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