Irvine Branch Partners With The NYC Branch to Host 10th English/Writing Tutoring Sessions on January 18, 2021

On January 18, 2021, volunteers from the AYLUS Irvine Branch teamed up with AYLUS New York City to initiate another tutoring session with students from all over the United States. They primarily focused on English and Writing homework help. Clayland and Annie Lee from the Irvine branch meticulously helped the kids every step of the way.

Clayland: Yesterday, we started working on writing essays. Each person got a different essay type, and they brainstormed ideas on their topics before and during class. I assigned them homework to finish brainstorming ideas and writing a thesis and a body paragraph by next class.

Annie: We continued writing sentences based on their own drawings, derived from certain prompts. The students were energetic about all the exercises.

Volunteers: Clayland Lee (1 hr), Annie Lee (1 hr)

Updated: January 19, 2021 — 5:00 pm

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