AYLUS Syosset NY Branch offered an English tutoring session (1/3/2021, #21)

On 1/3/2021, seven members of the Syosset AYLUS (Leo Cheng, John Thach, Ryan Leung and Alan Huang, Emily Lin, Jasmine Chen, Greene Xue) taught a ninety-minute English class to multiple newly immigrated students with varying degrees of proficiency in English. 

Today in class, a new format for teaching was taken. Instead of splitting into 3, 30 minute breakout rooms, there was 1 continuous hour and a half long class. Each class was split based on different levels of English, intro 1 taught by Alan, Greene, and Ryan, intermediate taught by Emily and Leo, and advanced, taught by John and Jasmine.

Reading tutors Emily Lin and Leo Cheng taught using new lesson plan which was based on Interchange 5th level 2. At first, introductions were made with the students and tutors. Then a google slides introducing the unit of the day was presented which contained questions that lead into the topic. The rest of the class was used to cover the topic of good memories. Their homework was to finish the first 3 sections of the workbook.

Student tutors Jasmine Chen and John Thach taught an advanced English proficiency course for AYLUS Syosset’s 21st online ESL Tutoring class. This class, the tutors utilized the 3A, Fifth edition of Cambridge’s Interchange textbook. Using the textbook, the tutors followed through the planned curriculum – completing the first unit of the textbook, covering personality types, relationships, qualities and likes/dislikes. After spending a hour doing the exercises, the tutors transitioned to a traditional slides presentation. There, a long term assignment was presented where the students were encouraged to do research on their dream job, finding the necessary prerequisites, all on their own time. Following this, the students were led through a vocabulary section, where they learned and reviewed terms relating to the American education system. Lastly, a “storytime” was conducted, having respondents create elaborate scenarios and stories stemming from random pictures that were provided with no context given. The class was instructed in English to immerse the students in an English environment. 

Alan Huang, Greene Xue and Ryan Leung went over introductions, how to introduce yourself, how to greet someone and so on. They also went over some readings and comprehension questions along with introducing the students to contractions(how to contract and uncontract words).

The following 7 students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: John Thach(1.5 hours), Leo Cheng (1.5 hours), Alan Huang(1.5 hours) and Ryan Leung (1.5 hours) Jasmine Chen(1.5 hours), Emily Lin(1.5 hours), Greene Xue(1.5 hours).


Updated: January 25, 2021 — 1:48 am

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