Irvine Branch Partners With The NYC Branch to Host 4th English/Writing Tutoring Sessions on December 6, 2020

On November 22, 28, 29, December 5, 2020, volunteers from the AYLUS Irvine Branch teamed up with AYLUS New York City to initiate another tutoring session with students from all over the United States. They primarily focused on English and Writing homework help. Clayland and Annie Lee from the Irvine branch meticulously helped the kids every step of the way.

Clayland:Yesterday we studied more about superlative and comparative adverbs/adjectives and finished up the comparative essay unit. We started working on learning about what cause and effect essays were and the main outline of a cause and effect essay. We learned more about comparative essays and learned the different tense of verbs. The boys were doing good as usual and I hope to see them next week.

Annie: For this lesson, we focused primarily on capitalization: when it should be used and when it shouldn’t. We also studied the topic of pronouns and its applications in sentences. We went over synonyms and antonyms in hopes of helping them improve their vocabulary, and finished the first unit of the writing book. Throughout the various exercises, all of the students continuously participated by asking and answering questions.

Volunteers: Clayland Lee (2 hrs), Annie Lee (2 hrs)

Updated: December 8, 2020 — 1:20 am

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