Irvine Branch Hosts 11th Fall Science Exploratory Class on November 8, 2020

On November 8, 2020, volunteers from the Irvine branch of AYLUS hosted its eleventh science exploratory class for the fall session. We used Zoom to host the lesson, and students, consisting of elementary and middle schoolers, had a great time participating.

We started with a simulation that shows a projectile being shot at a certain velocity and angle. We then went over how there are four equations for kinematics, and what each variable means. We went over each of the four equations, first giving an example as a real-life situation, then giving an explanation on how the equation is true. We either showed a graph or derived the equation from other equations. We then talked about how vectors can be broken up into smaller parts, and how that is useful for things like projectile motion. Many students were interested in trigonometry, so we stayed behind and explained the basic trig identities to them, and how they can be used in force components.


Volunteers: Andy Chen (1.5 hrs), Brian Song (1 hr)

Updated: November 10, 2020 — 5:22 am

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