Irvine Branch Hosts 8th Fall Science Exploratory Class on October 18, 2020

On October 18, 2020, volunteers from the Irvine branch of AYLUS hosted its eighth science exploratory class for the fall session. We used Zoom to host the lesson, and students, consisting of elementary and middle schoolers, had a great time participating.

Today was the third lesson of the biology unit in which we covered the circulatory and respiratory system. We started off with an experiment. We took a latex glove and filled it partially with water. We showed the students that if you squeeze the glove the water will move. We explained how the heart does the same thing with blood. We discussed the basics of how blood is transferred through the body by the heart pumping, and how the lungs refill the oxygen in the blood once it has been used up. Next, we discussed what the system and pulmonary circuits were and how they used the heart and lungs to deliver blood to the body. We went into further detail of the anatomy of the heart by discussing the valves, muscles, and arteries/veins that it uses. Finally, we ended the lesson by talking about the nervous system’s role in the heart (pacemaker) and how our heart is different from other creatures. We made sure to give a live demonstration of us drawing the heart and labeling all parts so students could have a full understanding of how it worked. Overall, the students seemed to understand how the heart functioned and were fascinated by it.

Volunteers: Andy Chen (1.5 hrs), Aditya Verma (1.5 hrs), Brian Song (1 hr)

Updated: October 19, 2020 — 3:44 am

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