Phoenix AYLUS Participates in a Virtual Phone Banking 101 Session on 10/10/2020 to Help Get Out the Votes as the Presidential Election Nears

AYLUS Phoenix particulates in a virtual phone banking 101 session from 9:00-10:00 10/10/2020 afternoon. This virtual session is required for volunteers to join phone banking as the first step. The purpose of phone banking is to help to get out the vote effort (GOTV) and to call low propensity AAPI (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders) voters who received mail programs.

This phone banking is nonpartisan, meaning the volunteers are simply trying to increase voter registration, not encourage voters to vote for a certain candidate. AYLUS Phoenix as one of the nonpartisan community groups across the U.S. has been making an all-out effort to meet with AAPIs, register new voters, and stress the importance of casting ballots on Election Day.

AYLUS PHOENIX participants are Katherine Wei, Michael Chen, Ethan Wei, Steve Zeng, Yueli Liu as a mentor.

Updated: October 12, 2020 — 1:01 am

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