AYLUS Manhasset & Syosset Branches Jointly Co-hosted a Virtual Climate Week Webinar Given by American Museum of Natural History (9/23/2020)

On 9/23/20, the Manhasset and Syosset AYLUS branches jointly hosted a virtual webinar titled “Learning From Our Past: Understanding Earth’s Climate Change” given by scientists from the American Museum of Natural History (7-8pm EST).

The purpose of this event was to inform the community about the effects of climate change and how the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affects biodiversity. Points were made by examining patterns in the past and how it applies to the present time.

This webinar was presented as a live stream in which scientists from various fields, including Geology and Paleontology, shared their research and research methods. After a brief introduction, the discussion focused on the impact of climate change on natural habitats and human structures. The scientists discussed the history of fluctuating climate on Earth and how it has changed over millennia, and made connections to current climate patterns and phenomena. The presentation ultimately concluded that human-exacerbated climate change is an existential threat and presented solutions for individuals and organizations.

This event was hosted to bring awareness to the community. Scientists explained and demonstrated many different time periods and the effects of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through their different studies. It highlighted many important events throughout time and explained how global warming is affecting the world. With the awareness being raised, people were encouraged to help make better choices and the consequences of inaction. It is of the utmost importance for people of this generation and the generation after to pass on this legacy and continue to protect the planet we live on. This activity was created to bring the community awareness and respect for our planet and what we can do to help.  The role of AYLUS Manhasset and Syosset branches in this presentation was to give support to Climate Scientists and draw new viewers to watch the free livestream in an attempt to further educate the populace about this dire matter. 

The following members volunteered in this event: Loretta Liu (1 hour) and Matthew Wang (1 hour) are members of the Manhasset branch. John Thach (1 hour), Leo Cheng (1 hour) and Greene Xue (1 hour) are members of the Syosset branch. 


Updated: July 25, 2023 — 12:37 pm

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