Irvine Branch Hosts 5th Fall History Class on September 22, 2020

On September 22, 2020, volunteers from the Irvine branch of AYLUS hosted its fifth introductory history class for the fall session. We held the lesson on Zoom, and students, consisting of elementary and middle schoolers, had a great time participating.

Today’s class focused on the American Civil war. We talked about the important aspects of the war and the battles and events that are usually significant and talked about in classes as well, like Antietam and Gettysburg and the advantages for each side. We also went over some less-talked about stuff like Ironclads, which is actually a pretty important technological development that is usually skimmed over. We had a smaller class today, but still were able to ask some questions.

Students provided great answers, showed curiosity, and asked questions for clarification.


Volunteers: Allen Weng (1.5 hrs), Sunny Sun (1.5 hrs), Brian Song (1 hr)

Updated: September 23, 2020 — 5:26 am

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