Greater Princeton AYLUS Continued “Cool Crafting for AYLUSxCreation” on September 10, 2020

On September 10, 2020, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) continued its “Cool Crafting for AYLUSxCreation” project. The goal of this project is to encourage GPA members to raise funds for AYLUS using their own talents in all kinds of crafting. 

Amy Xu (3 hrs, working on organizing the shop behind the scenes, designing an expense chart, making 3 more Tie Dye T-shirts, the standard pink bleach dyed love potion shirts), Sarah Yan (1 hr) helped Amy contribute products to the shop, mostly custom name necklaces that have been popular, and Amber Yu’s drawing 4 designs worked together as a team. They brainstormed some ideas for more designs and thought about prints of Amber’s art using a block printing method. For example, making some postcards or bags with art on them.

Welcome to our Etsy shop, an outlet to our local young artists to show and sell their art, whether it be jewelry, clothing, crocheted figures, to paintings. Your support helps us learn how to serve our community while doing things we love 💗

The GPA “Cool Crafting for AYLUSxCreation” team also started a Depop, which is like Etsy, but more like a social media such as Instagram which they believe will better target my ideal audience. It is still a trial, but it is still a potential source of income and they want to explore the options. 

Updated: September 12, 2020 — 1:12 am

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