AYLUS Lake Washington Branch Hosts Second Day of Local Food Drive on 9/6/20

Continuing with their efforts from the previous day, the Lake Washington Branch of AYLUS hosted the second day of their food drive on September the 6th, 2020. They received several online donations as a result of the campaigning they performed after the first day. After noticing a second dip in donations, the team continued going door to door after the second day to try to reach more people. Altogether on the first and second days, they reached 115 separate houses. They collected 48.675 pounds the second day.


Marko Vidich: 3 hours (food drive)

William Gong: 4 hours (food drive, canvassing)

Rian Pai: 4 hours (food drive, canvassing)

Keshav Acharya: 6 hours (food drive, canvassing)

Aadithya Manoj: 4 hours (food drive, canvassing)


Updated: September 7, 2020 — 11:57 pm

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