Irvine Branch Creates “Talenté,” a Virtual Talent Show For Seniors, Hospitalized Kids, and Members of the Community in July

This past month, AYLUS Irvine members have been working together to collectively create a talent show for people in the community.

In light of worsening conditions of the pandemic in the United States, we realized that we could be more proactive in our community; a few goals we wanted to achieve included boosting morale and brightening peoples’ day. We then decided to go forward with our talent show, as this was one of the best ways to spread joy and happiness around the community. At the same time, it allowed AYLUS Irvine members to explore and showcase their multifaceted and diverse talents.

Our talent show, called “Talenté,” is half an hour in length and is nearly identical to an actual, physical performance. We are happy to announce that acts included playing instruments, singing, drawing, and more!

We sent the video to senior centers and hospitals where they can display it. Our branch is extremely happy to have this opportunity to make others happy in a time of strife and uncertainty!

Volunteers: Brian Song (1 hr + 3 hrs video editing/compiling), Olivia Song (1 hr), Asher Ding (1 hr), Jonathan Loy (1 hr), Audrey Zhang (1 hr), Isaac Lee (1 hr), Sarah Fan (1 hr), May Riley (1 hr), Linda Jiang (1 hr), Annie Lee (1 hr)

Updated: July 24, 2020 — 7:33 pm

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