New York Branch Removes Invasive Species

On July 8, 2020, the New York Branch helped remove invasive species and helped conservation efforts in Ward Pound Ridge Reservation from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. We removed invasive plants that took advantage of overgrazing to outcompete and replace native species which endanger native species like the sugar maple in the process. We removed the garlic mustard plant, which grows densely, changes the nutrients present in the soil, outcompetes saplings, and stops further understory growth due to shading blocking photosynthesis. Furthermore, we removed Japanese barberry shrubs, which outcompete and block the sun as well as growing thorns to make the extraction all the more difficult, and Japanese Stiltgrass, which proliferate quickly. Furthermore, we learned more about conservation efforts and how the park tirelessly strives to maintain the ecosystem.

Members that participated were Ian Zhou and Jason Xia.

Updated: July 9, 2020 — 12:19 am

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