East Cobb Branch Held an online English Tutoring Session I on week of May 21, 2020

On May 21, Emily Yang from the East Cobb Branch participated in the English Tutoring Program and tutored for 1 hour.

This program’s goal is to provide English guidance to the elderly who do not know much English. Volunteers are needed for 1 on 1 tutoring sessions. By helping these elderly improve their English, the goal is to make communication smoother and life easier for them.

The tutor held a 1hour session with a student, starting off the first meeting with a discussion as to what the student wanted to learn over the virtual sessions. They continued to practice English speaking by holding conversations about interests and hobbies. After the session ended, the student made plans for the text lesson by looking up different techniques to help improve speech and grammar. 

Reported by : Emily Yang

Participants:Emily Yang(1 hour), Brian Kuang(1 hour), Jay Pan(1 hour), Emily Sun (1 hour)

Updated: October 14, 2020 — 7:56 pm

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