Lake Norman AYLUS Math Club on Feb 29, 2020

Reported by Bella Wu

The corona virus outbreak is not getting any better recently. The parents committee felt it’s the best to continue the group study through ZOOM. The topic of today is “Probability” in AMC8 Math.

Probability is a tricky topic and people can get confused very easily. Amanda acted as the lecturer today and she prepared 20 problems from easy to difficult for the session to help the other four junior members to dial into the tricky world of Probability. Amazingly, the four kids solved the problems by themselves through zoom, without asking for any help from Amanda or the adults. It seems that the kids can do a much better job in self teaching as a group and work collectively.

Although it took 2.5 hours from 6pm to 8:30 pm to finish, which is 30 minutes longer than previous lectures, it was a good exercise and the feedback is very positive. The 4 junior members (Lucas, Bella,  Bruce and Alan) highly appreciate Amanda’s effort in preparing the 20 problems and leading the way through the session.

Updated: March 1, 2020 — 3:49 am

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