MetroWest AYLUS Volunteers at Westborough’s MLK Jr. Community Celebration

A small team from the MetroWest Branch of AYLUS volunteered on Monday, January 20, at Westborough Connects’ second annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Celebration. Members helped set up a selfie booth, refreshment tables, and assisted in the transition from the auditorium to the library and cafeteria, where further activities were held. MAYLUS members then worked with other volunteers to make those activities engaging and fun.

This year’s theme was “Our Diversity Is Our Strength.” After the keynote address, an interactive group activity was held in the library and Conversation Circles, small group discussions centered around the day’s theme, were located in the cafeteria. Later on, a drum circle was hosted in the lobby, which was a lively, spirited event for adults and children alike. 

All members will receive two hours of community service. Thanks to Westborough Connects, their partners and sponsors, and everyone who attended!

Participants (2 hrs for all) : Coco Jiang, Sonia Kang, Viola Li, Priyanka Deka, Venya Khare, Danica Xiong, Celina Xiong, Yanyan Hou



Updated: February 8, 2020 — 5:25 am

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