Cary AYLUS Volunteered for CORRAL Riding Academy on June 15, 2019

On Saturday, June 15, 2019, from 9:30 am to 12:00, Cary AYLUS attended CORRAL Riding Academy’s Farm Day and volunteered to help out with chores on the farm.

CORRAL’s Farm Day gave a quick 20 minute tour around their horse farm, talking about the horses and the plot of land, but most importantly, what they do as a non-profit organization. CORRAL’s main function is to pair rescued horses with girls in high-risk situations who come from unfortunate backgrounds to provide healing and long-term changes. They also provide tutoring and mentorship to give these girls choices for the future.

After the tour, the rest of the time was spent pulling weeds in a field the horses would soon rotate into.

The image to the left depicts members of Cary AYLUS posing with one of the farm’s dogs, and the image to the right shows one of the farm’s horse pens.

Volunteers: Monica Chen, Engelina Xiong, Maggie Zhang

Updated: June 4, 2020 — 5:12 am

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