AYLUS Pearland Power Washing Events

During the summer of 2018, AYLUS Pearland led a series successful power washing ventures to raise funds.

The volunteers advertised around the Pearland neighborhood, offering the service to help raise money to help improve the organization. Because of the success the power washing venture has had in the previous two years, we had much success obtaining clients who were interested in our services. And, despite the bad weather that frequently occurred, the volunteers spent the summer working hard and contributing to the fundraising effort all across the town.

Overall, the power washing fundraiser raised $470 and offered an incredible working and educational experience to those who participated. All money will go to the AYLUS Pearland Branch for future endeavors.

Participants: Jerry Gu, Andy Jiang, Andy Gu.

Reported by Jerry Gu

Updated: March 7, 2019 — 6:28 pm

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