Columbus Branch Performed at Dublin Retirement Village on June 9, 2018

Recently the A.Y.L.U.S. Columbus Branch extended their regular volunteer activity at the Dublin Retirement Village to different sections of the building in order to perform for a wider audience and be able to connect with more seniors. The previous one hour performance has been prolonged to one and a half hours. Even with slight complications this week by being left off of the schedule, volunteers Ethan, Claire, Amy, Eileen, Michelle L., Aidan, Gavin, Evan, and Alice have worked hard to ensure a successful performance. Efficiency was necessary in order to smoothly move the instruments and musical equipment and transition from one room to another. The audience of both performances found the music very enjoyable. In fact, many seniors thought that the half an hour performance in the second segment was too short and hoped for it to be longer. We truly are grateful for the feedback from the community and will most certainly keep their interests in mind for our future activities. Hopefully we will be able to even further extend our volunteering seeing how positive the reaction is and how much it is appreciated.

Reported by Eileen Liang



Updated: June 28, 2018 — 2:22 am

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