Fort Bend TX Branch: Lunches of Love


Lunches of Love (LoL) began as a ministry of First United Methodist Church Rosenberg, TX during Christmas break 2009 and fed approximately 150 children.  In 2012, LoL became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is now feeding 4,000+ children and expanded our program to include 15  LCISD schools, 2 FBISD schools and a second host site- Lunches of Love at The Harvest. LoL feeds children in need and those qualifying for the state’s free or reduced lunch program. LoL’s vision for the future is to sustain our current program while expanding to include additional Title 1 schools.  We are committed to helping end childhood hunger among these innocent children.

Today AYLUS Fort Bend branch gives hands to LoL by volunteering at the LoL office. We worked for approximately half a day. Branch member Jason Wu and Jason Ren were the main workforce there. We are very happy that the millions of free lunches distributed by LoL now carry our contribution and loving hearts.





Updated: March 11, 2021 — 9:00 pm

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